Every year on May 18th, International Museum Day is celebrated, established by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) in 1977. This year's theme is:

"Museums for Education and Research"

As an important hub for the dissemination and enrichment of knowledge, museums offer a variety of informative and educational activities aimed at people of all ages. In the framework of International Museum Day 2024, the Neraida Floating Museum is organizing two events on Saturday, May 18th, and Sunday, May 19th, 2024.

The events, which will take place aboard the Neraida Floating Museum, catering to both children and adults, are as follows:

"Open Aeolus's Bag!"
May 18th & 19th, 2024, 11:00-12:00 
Kids Workshop | Activity for children aged 6-12

Vasco da Gama, Magellan, Columbus, sailors of the past who "opened Aeolus's bag" and led their ships to previously unknown places. Become a sailor yourself and with the help of the winds, chart the course of Neraida to wherever you desire, as long as you set the winds in the right direction.

"The 20th Century through the Exhibits of the Neraida Floating Museum"
May 18th & 19th, 2024, 18:00-19:00
Guided Tour | Activity for the general public

Embark on a journey through significant events of the 20th century inspired by specific exhibits at the Neraida Floating Museum. This activity is tailored for individuals of all ages and will last approximately one hour.

All activities are free of charge. To participate, registration is required at [email protected], stating your full name, the activity you are interested in, the date, and a contact phone number.

The programme of activities for all museums in Grecce celebrating the International Museum Day is available from the ICOM – International Council of Museums Greek Department here.