The International Museum Day is celebrated every year on May 18th. This year's theme is: "Museums, Sustainability and Well-being", aiming to highlight the role of museums as trusted institutions and contributors to the well-being and to the sustainable development of our communities.

The Neraida Floating Museum participates in this year's celebrations by designing and implementing a series of free actions for children and adults mainly focusing on the ancient art of wooden shipbuilding, an artform with a longstanding tradition in Greece, which, however, in recent years is under threat and at risk of extinction. 

The activities of the Neraida Floating Museum are as follows:


Sailing Through Time

Informative Event for the general public

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of May

Time: 18:00-19:00

What were the first types of ships created by humans and how has the art of wooden shipbuilding evolved over time? At the Neraida Floating Museum, we will embark on a virtual journey back in time to learn more about the traditional art of Greek shipbuilding, which is included in the Index of Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Culture. Following that, a brief guided tour of the Museum will take place.


Once upon a time, there was a Small Boat

Activity for Children aged 6-12

Sunday, May 14th

Time: 11:00-12:00

When did people start traveling on the sea? How did they manage to build ships, and how has this art evolved over the centuries? Through a specially designed children's workshop, our young visitors will have the opportunity to explore the traditional art of shipbuilding.

All activities are free of charge. To participate, registration is required at [email protected], mentioning your full name, the activity you are interested in, the date, as well as a contact phone number.

The programme of activities for all museums in the country celebrating the International Museum Day is available from the ICOM – International Council of Museums Greek Department here.